buy cialis black. Clinic Director Ashley Miller says that all patients come in with different objectives, but it all comes back to the patient wanting to do their favorite activities like before with no pain. Our therapists’ main goal is to return the patient to whatever is considered normal activity levels for that patient.
While a patient is in our care, we formally evaluate progress every 30 days. This is to compare how the patient perceives their progress versus the results from our professional assessment tools. Ashley says that many times, the physical therapists can see progress at each visit. Motivation is easier to achieve when that progress is happening on a regular basis. This shows the patients that their hard work is paying off.
Our staff works hard every day to provide the best treatment plans possible for our patients. The therapists provide the techniques and encouragement, and the patients put in the hard work necessary to get back to normal as soon as possible.
Read more about our Physical Therapy department!