Dates: 2/12 – 3/23 (6 weeks – M/W/F)
Times: 3:30 – 5:00pm
Location: Game Time Sports and Training 1210 Impact Dr, Columbia, TN 38401
Registration: CLICK HERE To Register Today
Brochure: CLICK HERE To Download
It is easy to get caught up in the race to make your child the fastest and strongest in their sport. But it will never happen if they suffer a knee injury. Take charge with Sportsmetrics™ so your number one athlete can get stronger, jump higher, run faster, and stay injury free!
Mid-Tennessee Bone and Joint Physical Therapy, in conjunction with Game Time Sports and Training, is now the exclusive sponsor and provider for this dynamic Sportsmetrics™ program in Columbia.
Serious knee ligament injuries sustained by female athletes during sports participation have reached epidemic proportions: female athletes are two to ten times more likely to suffer non-contact knee injuries as compared to their male counterparts. Annually, one in 100 high school and collegiate female athletes will sustain a serious knee ligament injury. These injuries require extensive rehabilitation and usually surgical reconstruction. The majority of these athletes lose an entire athletic season and suffer lower academic performance and class attendance as a result.
The Program consists of:
• Sports Injury Pre-Test
• Sportsmetrics™ Program (3 sessions per week for 6 weeks)
• Sports Injury Post-Test
Components of each session:
• Dynamic Warm-Up
• Jump Training
• Strength Training
• Agility and Speed Training
• Flexibility
Sportsmetrics™ has been featured in the New York Times, USA Today, ESPN and ABC’s Wide World of Sports. For more information visit: