August 7, 2020 update
We are now allowing all patients to bring one support person with them to the appointment, regardless of whether it is medically necessary.
June 29, 2020 update
Mid-Tennessee Bone & Joint is actively invested in the health and safety of our patients, associates, and the rest of the community. Beginning July 1, we will be implementing the following requirements to anyone visiting our office:
• All patients age 3 and older are required to wear a mask while in our office, including MRI and Physical Therapy downstairs. If you do not have a mask when you get off the elevator, one will be provided for you.
• Patients will be notified of this requirement at the time an appointment is made and also at reminder calls.
• One support person will be allowed to stay with a patient, but only if medically needed or a minor is involved.
• Patients will be notified of this requirement at the time an appointment is made and also at reminder calls.
• One support person will be allowed to stay with a patient, but only if medically needed or a minor is involved.
When you come in for an appointment, you will see our associates are masked throughout the Clinic and hand sanitizer is readily available in the front lobby, hallways, and patient rooms. Prior to your appointment, you will receive a call from us asking a series of questions about your health and any contact you have had with someone who tested positive for Coronavirus. Our associates will ask similar questions when you arrive and before you are checked in for your appointment.
Though patient volumes at the Clinic have increased to near normal levels, we remain vigilant in cleaning and sanitizing with the same level of urgency to keep everyone safe. Coronavirus cases in Maury County have continued to increase in recent weeks, so our response will be the same as in the early days of the outbreak.
We appreciate your trust in MTBJ as we all work through this new normal.
March 23, 2020 update
Beginning this week, Mid-Tennessee Bone & Joint will trim down our appointments to only the most necessary patients. This includes patients who have an acute injury and would normally qualify for OrthoQuck, patients who very recently had surgery and need to be seen for a post-op appointment, patients who have a bone break or fracture, and patients who suspect they may have an infection.
If your upcoming scheduled appointment is for any other reason than what is outlined above, you will be asked to reschedule.
We are still screening patients for fever, shortness of breath, flu like symptoms, exposure to a suspected or confirmed case of Coronavirus, or cough.
Thank you for trusting us with your care. We will continue to update as necessary.
March 18, 2020 update
Beginning March 19th, 2020, we will be screening patients before their appointments. These screenings will happen in two different ways:
• Over the phone two days prior to your appointment
• In the lobby of our building when you arrive for your appointment
• In the lobby of our building when you arrive for your appointment
When patients arrive in the lobby of our building, before proceeding upstairs for the appointment, they will be screened on the following measures by one of our associates:
• Shortness of breath
• Flu like symptoms
• Been exposed to anyone that has been diagnosed with or recently tested (within 3-5 days) for Coronavirus
• Cough
If a patient is positive for a fever and another symptom, we will contact the MTBJ physician you are scheduled to see and determine whether your appointment will proceed as normal, if you will be rescheduled, if you need to see your PCP, or if you need to go to Maury Regional Urgent Care or the Emergency Department.
Family members of patients will also be screened using the above. If a family member who is with you for your appointment has a fever, they will not be allowed to go up the elevator.
Please know that we are taking these measures with everyone’s health and safety in mind. Please reach out to us with any questions.
March 12, 2020 update
With so much sickness going around right now – flu, stomach bug, and the coronavirus – we wanted to give our patients and the community an update on what we’re doing to combat these germs.
• We’re increasing the presence and use of hand sanitizers in multiple locations around the office.
• We are doing more focused cleanings, over and above our normal sanitation process, in areas that see the most contact. This includes keyboards, door handles, phones, and most other hard surfaces.
• As a temporary precaution, your provider may not offer to shake hands when greeting you.
• Finally, if you’re feeling unwell, please contact your primary care physician and then give us a call to cancel your appointment. We will get you rescheduled as soon as you’re healthy again!
• We are doing more focused cleanings, over and above our normal sanitation process, in areas that see the most contact. This includes keyboards, door handles, phones, and most other hard surfaces.
• As a temporary precaution, your provider may not offer to shake hands when greeting you.
• Finally, if you’re feeling unwell, please contact your primary care physician and then give us a call to cancel your appointment. We will get you rescheduled as soon as you’re healthy again!
No matter what germs we’re talking about, staying healthy starts with these common sense measures. We’re doing our part to reduce illness in the clinic, and we welcome any questions or concerns you may have.